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Handprint Printables for Mom on Mothers Day

Hey Dads! This Mothers Day, why not get your kids to make mom a special gift? We’ve found some fun handprint art printables for Mom that will let them show how much they appreciate everything she does for them. For more ideas see my Mother’s Day page.

Handprint Printables for Mom on Mothers Day, handprint art

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On Mother’s Day, many dads scramble to come up with a meaningful gift for their wives. But what about the kids? This year, why not let them get creative and make something special for Mom? These free printables will help make it easy and fun for them!

For Mom in the shop!

Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed Kit

Mom will be queen for a day with this fun Printable Kit! Use these prints to create a beautiful breakfast display for Mom on Mother’s Day!

Printables for Mom on Mothers Day

These fillable gift Printables for Mom are designed to make your life a little easier and show Mom how much you appreciate her. Just download and print! We hope you find these helpful and that your mother enjoys her special day.

Have fun with your kids this Mother’s Day and get creative in the kitchen! We hope you found these kid gift printables helpful. If not, no worries, we have plenty of other ideas on our website. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

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